🐱 Kitten News 🐱

Breaking: Kitten Discovers Reflection, Declares War on Mirror

Kitten looking at mirror

In a shocking turn of events, a local kitten has declared all-out war on its own reflection. Witnesses report hours of hissing, paw-swatting, and tactical retreats as the fierce feline battles its mirror image.

"I've never seen anything like it," says Jane Whiskers, the kitten's owner. "One minute, Mr. Fluffles was peacefully grooming himself, and the next, he was in a full-on standoff with his reflection. It's been three days, and he's still convinced there's another cat in our house."

Local feline psychologist, Dr. Purrington, suggests this behavior is perfectly normal for kittens. "It's all part of their development," he explains. "Mr. Fluffles is learning about self-awareness and testing his boundaries. Plus, it's excellent cardio."

The standoff has drawn quite a crowd, with neighbors bringing lawn chairs to watch the ongoing battle. Some have even started a betting pool on when Mr. Fluffles will realize he's fighting himself.

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